South Carolina strikes down abortion ban

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05 Jan 2023, 5:36 pm

Hopefully more states follow suit.

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05 Jan 2023, 5:41 pm

Well that is a positive sign


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05 Jan 2023, 6:05 pm


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05 Jan 2023, 8:07 pm

Contract killing is illegal in all states and the nation. If a woman hires an abortionist to kill her fetus/baby, she is relinquishing her privacy and making her pregnancy details known to them.

Seems to me that the abortionist could be indicted for murder-for-hire since the mother and abortionist are clearly conspiring to kill the baby who has no say in the matter (see definition below), and who is statistically likely to continue living and growing.

I think folks need to start suing abortionists for murder. Let's face it, most women would not be able to intentionally kill their own baby. It's hard to do. Women rely on others to kill their babies for them, and out of misguided ignorance, there are lost souls willing to do this illegal and unethical work.

Contract Killing (redirected from Murder-for-hire)
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical.
Related to Murder-for-hire: contract killing

Noun 1. contract killing - a murder carried out on agreement with a hired killer
murder, slaying, execution - unlawful premeditated killing of a human being by a human being

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06 Jan 2023, 3:33 am

MissMary227 wrote:
Contract killing is illegal in all states and the nation. If a woman hires an abortionist to kill her fetus/baby, she is relinquishing her privacy and making her pregnancy details known to them.

Seems to me that the abortionist could be indicted for murder-for-hire since the mother and abortionist are clearly conspiring to kill the baby who has no say in the matter (see definition below), and who is statistically likely to continue living and growing.

I think folks need to start suing abortionists for murder. Let's face it, most women would not be able to intentionally kill their own baby. It's hard to do. Women rely on others to kill their babies for them, and out of misguided ignorance, there are lost souls willing to do this illegal and unethical work.

Contract Killing (redirected from Murder-for-hire)
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical.
Related to Murder-for-hire: contract killing

Noun 1. contract killing - a murder carried out on agreement with a hired killer
murder, slaying, execution - unlawful premeditated killing of a human being by a human being

The ethical questions involved in abortion decisions are usually a whole lot more complex than "I want this baby gone," and nothing in your post shows even the slightest understanding of what a woman might be confronting. We don't have the data to know the percentages (elective v. medically indicated), but do we need to? Hard lines like what you describe endanger the lives of women faced with heart wrenching medical issues related to their pregnancies. Will you allow an innocent women to die because you want to prevent another woman you see as a whole lot less innocent from choosing abortion? How is that "pro-life?" Seriously, I feel like politics got a third of our population to completely bury their heads on who actually has abortions and why, and the very real risks pregnant women face. This isn't as simple as your post wants to make it. Not by a long shot. I've always been personally pro-life, but I long ago lost patience for the hard line and the politics and, thus, stopped being politically pro-life. The politically pro-life movement lacks compassion, heart, and factual understanding. So just ... don't.

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06 Jan 2023, 3:48 am

MissMary227 wrote:
Contract killing is illegal in all states and the nation. If a woman hires an abortionist to kill her fetus/baby, she is relinquishing her privacy and making her pregnancy details known to them.

Seems to me that the abortionist could be indicted for murder-for-hire since the mother and abortionist are clearly conspiring to kill the baby who has no say in the matter (see definition below), and who is statistically likely to continue living and growing.

I think folks need to start suing abortionists for murder. Let's face it, most women would not be able to intentionally kill their own baby. It's hard to do. Women rely on others to kill their babies for them, and out of misguided ignorance, there are lost souls willing to do this illegal and unethical work.

Contract Killing (redirected from Murder-for-hire)
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical.
Related to Murder-for-hire: contract killing

Noun 1. contract killing - a murder carried out on agreement with a hired killer
murder, slaying, execution - unlawful premeditated killing of a human being by a human being

Well I think it is no use to try to convince pro-life people but I can at least say my experience

Pregnancy terrifies me and I have chosen not to give birth, for sure if I get pregnant I would abort it. I have no way to care for a child, I don't want to go through pregnancy ever and it is my body and uterus so I should get to decide what happens in it as it is part of my...let me empathisze "MY BODY' so no one else should get to dictate what I do with it, end of story. If I cannot be forced to donate organs than I also should have the right to terminate anyone camping in my uterus without my permission and using my organs to survive if I don't want it. I am not an environment to gestate a baby, I am a human who does not want to give birth.

And what makes me most angry is myy sister jsut got married and she wants kids but she has to wait to get her IUD removed because of people from other states flooding the system here. So like she wants to have kid but like has to put off getting her IUD removed..she wants kids! and these right wing laws are preventing what if her first one goes wrong and she has a miscarrige like these laws will only make it harder for her to get nessicary care if giving birth ends up diffficult for her. Like she wants kids but she has never been pregnant and with the new anti abortion stuff I just hope she can get proper care if her first pregnancy doesn't work out. Like I don't want to lose my sister to a death that could be prevented if only they gave her full pre-natal care or whatever. I am excited about her having a baby if that is what she wants but I am just worried if it goes wrong it may be hard to access care with all the out of state people coming to colorado to book abortion appointments since we are a safe state. But like my sister wants to have kids but I don't want her to be forced to carrry an unviable fetus due to lack of care if her pregnancy does not work out. She is not pregnant now last time we talked about that she said it was hard to find an appoinment to get her IUD removed so she could get pregnant. And that also seems f****d like she could not get it removed when she wanted like what the f**k. That puts me off gettin an IUD because if it went wrong and gave me worse bleeding or pain I don't think I could stand it. Let alone deal with a doctor telling me they can't take it out when I don't want it anymore. LIke my sister wants to have a baby, but these stupid pro-life s**t is making it harder for her to do that.

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06 Jan 2023, 6:05 pm


Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!

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09 Jan 2023, 7:19 am

Sweetleaf wrote:
Well I think it is no use to try to convince pro-life people but I can at least say my experience

Sharing your experience is a good way to reach fence-sitters.

Sweetleaf wrote:
Pregnancy terrifies me and I have chosen not to give birth, for sure if I get pregnant I would abort it. I have no way to care for a child, I don't want to go through pregnancy ever and it is my body and uterus so I should get to decide what happens in it as it is part of my...let me empathisze "MY BODY' so no one else should get to dictate what I do with it, end of story. If I cannot be forced to donate organs than I also should have the right to terminate anyone camping in my uterus without my permission and using my organs to survive if I don't want it. I am not an environment to gestate a baby, I am a human who does not want to give birth.

And what makes me most angry is myy sister jsut got married and she wants kids but she has to wait to get her IUD removed because of people from other states flooding the system here.

Yikes! Yes, big problem, no doubt.

The healthcare non-system we have here in the U.S.A. has been through all kinds of crap lately. First the COVID crisis, resulting in a lot of burnout on the part of doctors and nurses, thus a shortage of care.

And now, the right wing state abortion bans, causing even more chaos due to people having to travel out of state to get abortions.

Sweetleaf wrote:
So like she wants to have kid but like has to put off getting her IUD removed..she wants kids! and these right wing laws are preventing what if her first one goes wrong and she has a miscarrige like these laws will only make it harder for her to get nessicary care if giving birth ends up diffficult for her. Like she wants kids but she has never been pregnant and with the new anti abortion stuff I just hope she can get proper care if her first pregnancy doesn't work out. Like I don't want to lose my sister to a death that could be prevented if only they gave her full pre-natal care or whatever. I am excited about her having a baby if that is what she wants but I am just worried if it goes wrong it may be hard to access care with all the out of state people coming to colorado to book abortion appointments since we are a safe state. But like my sister wants to have kids but I don't want her to be forced to carrry an unviable fetus due to lack of care if her pregnancy does not work out. She is not pregnant now last time we talked about that she said it was hard to find an appoinment to get her IUD removed so she could get pregnant. And that also seems f****d like she could not get it removed when she wanted like what the f**k.

I'm very sorry to hear this. Was she able to get on a waiting list? How long will she need to wait?

Sweetleaf wrote:
That puts me off gettin an IUD because if it went wrong and gave me worse bleeding or pain I don't think I could stand it. Let alone deal with a doctor telling me they can't take it out when I don't want it anymore. LIke my sister wants to have a baby, but these stupid pro-life s**t is making it harder for her to do that.

I agree, this is ridiculous.

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09 Jan 2023, 7:28 am

The SC case is an outlier, and a Kansas-style referendum is probably the best bet for restoring abortion rights nationwide.

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