Is There Anyone Here Not Bullied In School ?

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18 Oct 2017, 9:03 am

I was. Mainly teased by boys. Because I'm an odd out who refused to blend.
Girls are usually a mix of either being a nurturer, or I'd nurture them. At least it's how it is most at the time. I don't had a lot of female bullies. And I'm tomboyish in comparison.

Of course, I didn't end up a victim. :twisted: I ended up being a(n angry) bully hunter...

I've been popular and unpopular, depending on what 'faction' they are.
Overall, I'm popular mostly because of my special interest that matches certain school trends and it happened to involve crafting.
Unpopular simply because I refuse to blend in and pass. At least people back then figured that I'd never start any trouble, and I'd only retaliate.

Most of those stopped when I became apathetic towards social roles when I returned to high school.
Most of the attention I gained were out of curiosity, because I was so apathetic, they'd mistook me for a mute and I couldn't bother to remember any of their name. If not, they're kinda scared of me. I'm kinda forgot why other than just being odd if not looking angry. :lol: And I constantly surprise them if not startle them.

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18 Oct 2017, 9:07 am

I was bullied by students who were the criminals and troublemakers of the school. Most people were nice to me and the teachers were mostly positive.


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18 Oct 2017, 9:12 am

I would bet that virtually all kids were bullied in some way in the course of their school careers.

I was bullied----pretty badly at times. I never got seriously physically hurt because of it, though.

Emotionally, had I been a student in the 2000's, I would hope that I wouldn't have been stupid enough to try to copy those people who plotted "revenge." I certainly felt depressed about my situation much of the time.


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18 Oct 2017, 9:19 am

I wasn't bullied severely. In grade 2 I was teased for having trouble pronouncing certain sounds, and I've gotten a lot of rude remarks throughout the years, but it was never that bad.


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18 Oct 2017, 9:28 am

I wasn't really bullied much, more often excluded. I liked spending time alone anyway, so I stayed away from other kids or just played with my close friend who was a caring, maternal type of a girl.

One boy bullied me and followed me a lot, in the end I couldn't stand it and I hit his head with a heavy mug and of course ended up in Headteacher's room as "the aggressive kid".
The same boy, a few years later, threw a concrete slab on another boy's head from a balcony just "for fun" and almost killed him. I'm kinda glad I was violent towards him (yeah, I know it sounds bad) and then he simply avoided me most of the time.

Apart from that, I was treated as a harmless weirdo and excluded, but I always managed to have 1 or 2 friends who liked spending time with me.

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18 Oct 2017, 9:36 am

I wasn't bullied, but I also went to good public schools that didn't have many "bad kids", and also grew up in a good neighborhood where my parents watched who I hung out with growing up...

The main thing is to take the most advanced classes you can (which will have better kids in them), get good grades, and go to college. College is 1000 times better than high/middle school. There's no bullying in college (well, maybe if someone joins a frat and goes through hazing...).


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18 Oct 2017, 9:53 am

I wasn't bullied at all, except by one person in middle school. But even then my friends helped protect me. Most of than not, people around me noticed that i didn't have many friends/was alone and helped me to fit in by becoming my friend/mentor. I'm grateful to them.


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18 Oct 2017, 10:28 am

There were occasional overtures by kids to try to "help me" because they 'felt sorry" for me.

These overtures became less frequent as I proceeded up the academic ladder.


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18 Oct 2017, 11:21 am

5th through 9th grade. Tripped up, my books and papers thrown all over the place, words such as k*e, queer.

First two years of college gaslighting type of stuff. Money taken and after I reported it put back. A car gunned at me a swerved away at the last second two nights in a row and when I reported it told by smirking, giggling dorm officials to stop making stuff up or I would be thrown out of school.

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18 Oct 2017, 1:46 pm

As much as I talk about my very negative experiences being bullied and excluded for much of my life, I should mention that one place where I was rarely if ever bullied was High School. Don't get me wrong I wasn't Mr. Popularity but I had no issues.

Ironically, I was warned over and over "if you think Junior High is bad......... wait until you get to High School!". Never once did I have an issue with anyone or any group except a few teachers. On second thought, people seeing I wasn't a teachers pet and would stand up to a disrespectful-man-hating-feminist teacher might have helped people see me in a new way.

I also agree (and I have spend a lot of time near Colleges and Universities) that they may have plenty of problems but I have never seen any instances of bullying. Some people keep to themselves but it appears to be mainly by choice.

Nerdy AND athletic?!? Look out world.

Just like me. I actually would have been better off being a complete nerd rather than a hybrid. I never fit in with either clique and still don't to this day. Luckily hockey goalies are usually seen as weird and crazy by most so I do fit in with THAT club :)

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18 Oct 2017, 3:16 pm

I was teased occasionally, but never severely bullied. I think most were indifferent or ignored me and I was fairly quiet and polite so no one felt the need to pick on me. I was bullied a bit in my earliest years at school, but it was because I was Asian, not autistic.

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18 Oct 2017, 3:24 pm

I was never picked on persistently by a single person, but I was treat as 'different' by many, even teachers, and I've been called plenty of nasty names too, oh an also laughed at infinite number of times. Generally though people thought I was alright in school, my social skills are fine so I got on OK with others.

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18 Oct 2017, 3:35 pm

Edna3362 wrote:
I was. Mainly teased by boys. Because I'm an odd out who refused to blend.
Girls are usually a mix of either being a nurturer, or I'd nurture them. At least it's how it is most at the time. I don't had a lot of female bullies. And I'm tomboyish in comparison.

Of course, I didn't end up a victim. :twisted: I ended up being a(n angry) bully hunter...

I've been popular and unpopular, depending on what 'faction' they are.
Overall, I'm popular mostly because of my special interest that matches certain school trends and it happened to involve crafting.
Unpopular simply because I refuse to blend in and pass. At least people back then figured that I'd never start any trouble, and I'd only retaliate.

Most of those stopped when I became apathetic towards social roles when I returned to high school.
Most of the attention I gained were out of curiosity, because I was so apathetic, they'd mistook me for a mute and I couldn't bother to remember any of their name. If not, they're kinda scared of me. I'm kinda forgot why other than just being odd if not looking angry. :lol: And I constantly surprise them if not startle them.

A book told me that female aspys can go tomboyish if they are better received by males. ._.

I will offend everybody, if it brings understanding. That means being extra critical. - Was the wrong answer. People are better guided than pushed.

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18 Oct 2017, 3:52 pm

SaveFerris wrote:
It seems like the majority of people on the spectrum got bullied in school and school life was a lonely time.

Is there anyone here who was not a constant target for bullies ( I'm sure everyone has been bullied a few times ) and felt school wasn't that bad an experience.
Define bullying.

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18 Oct 2017, 4:17 pm

I was never bullied in school.

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18 Oct 2017, 4:29 pm

The fact that I went to a small school (graduating class of 70 people) and my intelligence together actually made highschool a very pleasant experience.

I never really got bullied, because news spread quickly at my school, and anyone who would've bullied me didn't because they didn't want the student council (who were smart, popular, related to teachers, as well as friends with me) to find out about it.

Everyone knew that all the teachers, especially the ones who wouldn't hesitate to bomb someone's grade, liked me. (One of them literally would address me as "the king") Besides that, most of the people knew that I knew how to pick locks.

But honestly, I was well liked in school. My intelligence let me pull off some impressive pranks and everyone knew I wouldn't hesitate to help someone understand something in their homework.

I was quite blessed, in fact, I actually miss highschool.

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