Sarajevo - The Ideal Yugoslav Capital that never was

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19 May 2024, 12:55 pm

Bestiola wrote:
I think the most pain came exactly from the fact that they were (somewhat forcefully) united. If the Turks didn't invade when they did, and your area of Bosnia was still Croatia to this day, I don't think many would have wanted to unite with the Serbs, Slovenes, Macedonians, or Montenegrins. it seems to me everyone is much happier under their own flag.

I find it funny that you imply that Bosnia would be Croatian if the Turks didn't invade as if Bosnians would cease to exist under a catholic regime. Maybe Scenario A would be that Croats forcefully assimilate the Bosnians and we may never see Bosnia again but Scenario B could be that Croats and Bosnians co-exist somewhat like it was for Turks and Bosnians. The Turkish assimilation of Bosnians never really destroyed much of Bosnian as it is still understandable like Serbian and Croatian so I believe that the Croatian assimilation would have been similar unless Croats would pursue for Scenario A under the pretext of "cleansing the Bogumilists".

Also, "everyone is much happier under their own flag" and yet we have one pluricentric language spanning on four Yugoslav nations! Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia, and Montenegro may be of their own cultures and prides but they speak nonetheless the same language and it is such a shame to consider that people deserve happier lives separated all because of religious and cultural differences. Such intolerance and toxicity imposed by the nationalist governments!

Not only that but what you may not be aware of is that the government of Croatia is actively pursuing to eliminate any foreign element to make Croatian completely unintelligible to Bosnians, Serbians, and Montenegrins which is an act of linguicide practiced at most since the era of the Pavelić fascist Ustaša government. I do not need of linguistic "redarstveniks" in Croatia to torture innocent Croats for usage of loanwords, especially when newer generations are becoming more and more influenced by the lingua franca that is English.

Do Americans consider Brits as the sub-humans simply because their cultures do not match? Not at all. Yes, the Brits were the ones who brought English culture to the Americans with colonialism and genocide of Native Americans but in the English-speaking world of native English speakers, the Americans and British can get along and put their cultural and religious differences aside easily and yet the Yugoslavs who speak the pluricentric language with an univariate dialect that is Shtokavian (Štokavski) would commit massacres on any element that is not of their pure religious or cultural heritage (cough cough, Srebrenica and Jasenovac).

I find the nationalist agenda of "living happy separately" complete BS simply for reasons of past atrocities both Serbs and Croats have done such as Serbs doing Srebrenica in 1995 and Croats doing Jasenovac from 1941 to 1945.

"In a socialist society such phenomena must and will disappear. In the old Yugoslavia national oppression by the great-Serb capitalist clique meant strengthening the economic exploitation of the oppressed peoples. This is the inevitable fate of all who suffer from national oppression."

- Josip Broz Tito (Ljubljana, 1948)


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19 May 2024, 12:56 pm

Yugoslav1945 wrote:
Do Americans consider Brits as the sub-humans simply because their cultures do not match? Not at all. Yes, the Brits were the ones who brought English culture to the Americans with colonialism and genocide of Native Americans but in the English-speaking world of native English speakers, the Americans and British can get along and put their cultural and religious differences aside easily and yet the Yugoslavs who speak the pluricentric language with an univariate dialect that is Shtokavian (Štokavski) would commit massacres on any element that is not of their pure religious or cultural heritage (cough cough, Srebrenica and Jasenovac).

And let's not forget that America has Hispanics and Africans. Do you really think we should do the same for America just because of different races?

"In a socialist society such phenomena must and will disappear. In the old Yugoslavia national oppression by the great-Serb capitalist clique meant strengthening the economic exploitation of the oppressed peoples. This is the inevitable fate of all who suffer from national oppression."

- Josip Broz Tito (Ljubljana, 1948)


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19 May 2024, 1:00 pm

Bestiola wrote:
lol dude, I don't work in the military, that's just what I read. But I think strategically more in the economic than military sense.
Some others apparently think so too:

The historical background of Belgrade as one of the most important cities of Europe which was under the reign of the Ottoman Empire dates back to the Paleolithic Age. The city was a popular place as it was placed on the important roads and routes during the Crusades, and it was destroyed by them. Later, the city passed into the hands of Serbia, Hungary and Bulgaria. The city is of importance not only due to the fact that it was founded in the plateau of Belgrade, Tuna and Sava Rivers but also it is on the route to connect the Middle and West Europe with Asia Minor. Thus, the city has been a center of population. Moreover, Belgrade is on the intersection place of industrial districts and important trade roads Europe and Asia Minor. Along with being on the way of important roads, Belgrade serves as a door for Europe, and Aşık Paşazade describes this city as “Belgrade is the door of the Ungürüs city”. Known as the key of Europe, Belgrade could be conquered in 1521 by the Ottoman Empire although it was encompassed many times. The grand period of Belgrade after conquered by Ottoman Empire in 16th century. In this period, it became one of the most important cities of the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans. Furthermore, it was counted as one of the best cities in Europe. Belgrade has been an important city in terms of trade as much as military and strategic point of view. The city in the position of captaincy of Tuna stayed significant in terms of its military, strategical and economical aspects until it was out of the Ottoman Empire’s hands. This article examines, it was aimed to focus on the effect of Belgrade on the conquests of the Ottoman Empire in addition to its economic and military importance, primarily using Ottoman archival documents. ... grade_City

What I also heard is that it was due to Tito wanting to curb potential Croatian nationalism, but that's just hearsay.
But IMHO, I think he just wanted to continue the tradition. Zagreb would have been a more obvious choice for him, being Croat and all that, but Belgrade/Beograd was already a capital city before.
Dunno about Sarajevo, I've never been there, I just heard it's very pretty.

Capitals don't have to always be the largest cities. New York City ain't the capital but it is hella larger than Washington D.C which is the capital of the US. Toronto is larger than Ottawa, capital of Canada and Sydney is larger than Canberra, capital of Australia. If Tito wanted to curb Croatian nationalism, Sarajevo would still be the best choice as it is neither homogenically Serb nor is it homogenically Croat.

Sure, Zagreb and Beograd would be the two major economic centers of Yugoslavia but the seat of the government should be in the cultural capital of Yugoslavia that is Sarajevo for Sarajevo has that diverse history that perfectly fits the Yugoslav image of Brotherhood and Unity.

"In a socialist society such phenomena must and will disappear. In the old Yugoslavia national oppression by the great-Serb capitalist clique meant strengthening the economic exploitation of the oppressed peoples. This is the inevitable fate of all who suffer from national oppression."

- Josip Broz Tito (Ljubljana, 1948)


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19 May 2024, 1:04 pm

MaxE wrote:
Bouncing the server would probably clear that right up, but I don't know who would be responsible for that. Is anybody home?

I have an acquaintance who visited Bosnia recently, and he is convinced further bloodshed is in their future. I am not convinced.

He who learns of the history of Bosnia will know that the present-day situation is dire and Bosnia has to abolish nationalism if it does not want any more bloodshed or incidents. By abolishing Republika Srpska and combating the Croat attempt of a Herzeg-Bosna entity, as well as diminishing the Izetbegović mafia will Bosnia ever accomplish the ultimate goal of progress through the effort of Brotherhood and Unity. It shall be done, it shall require the mass effort of the people to persuade the nation to move forward and tear down that wall that divides Sarajevo unnecessarily into the mainland and the accursed "Istočno Sarajevo" that nobody asked for.

"In a socialist society such phenomena must and will disappear. In the old Yugoslavia national oppression by the great-Serb capitalist clique meant strengthening the economic exploitation of the oppressed peoples. This is the inevitable fate of all who suffer from national oppression."

- Josip Broz Tito (Ljubljana, 1948)

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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19 May 2024, 1:46 pm

Yugoslav1945 wrote:
Bestiola wrote:
I think the most pain came exactly from the fact that they were (somewhat forcefully) united. If the Turks didn't invade when they did, and your area of Bosnia was still Croatia to this day, I don't think many would have wanted to unite with the Serbs, Slovenes, Macedonians, or Montenegrins. it seems to me everyone is much happier under their own flag.

I find it funny that you imply that Bosnia would be Croatian if the Turks didn't invade as if Bosnians would cease to exist under a catholic regime. Maybe Scenario A would be that Croats forcefully assimilate the Bosnians and we may never see Bosnia again but Scenario B could be that Croats and Bosnians co-exist somewhat like it was for Turks and Bosnians. The Turkish assimilation of Bosnians never really destroyed much of Bosnian as it is still understandable like Serbian and Croatian so I believe that the Croatian assimilation would have been similar unless Croats would pursue for Scenario A under the pretext of "cleansing the Bogumilists".

If the Turks didn't invade, there wouldn't be "Bosnians" or Bosniaks to be assimilated.

Yugoslav1945 wrote:
Also, "everyone is much happier under their own flag" and yet we have one pluricentric language spanning on four Yugoslav nations! Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia, and Montenegro may be of their own cultures and prides but they speak nonetheless the same language and it is such a shame to consider that people deserve happier lives separated all because of religious and cultural differences. Such intolerance and toxicity imposed by the nationalist governments!

Yes and no. The more you go towards the Serbian region the more you can feel the effects of the Balkan sprachbund. Croatian (with Slovenian, Hungarian etc) belongs to the central European sprachbund, as they were embers of the Austro-Hungarian empire.

When you look at the genetic level there's a difference as well. Croats mixed with Illyrians and Roman veterans, Serbians mixed with Thracians, Dacians and some Roman veterans as well etc. They lived in completely different empires. I'm not nationalistic, I just think they function better on their own.

Yugoslav1945 wrote:
Not only that but what you may not be aware of is that the government of Croatia is actively pursuing to eliminate any foreign element to make Croatian completely unintelligible to Bosnians, Serbians, and Montenegrins which is an act of linguicide practiced at most since the era of the Pavelić fascist Ustaša government. I do not need of linguistic "redarstveniks" in Croatia to torture innocent Croats for usage of loanwords, especially when newer generations are becoming more and more influenced by the lingua franca that is English.

Do Americans consider Brits as the sub-humans simply because their cultures do not match? Not at all. Yes, the Brits were the ones who brought English culture to the Americans with colonialism and genocide of Native Americans but in the English-speaking world of native English speakers, the Americans and British can get along and put their cultural and religious differences aside easily and yet the Yugoslavs who speak the pluricentric language with an univariate dialect that is Shtokavian (Štokavski) would commit massacres on any element that is not of their pure religious or cultural heritage (cough cough, Srebrenica and Jasenovac).

I find the nationalist agenda of "living happy separately" complete BS simply for reasons of past atrocities both Serbs and Croats have done such as Serbs doing Srebrenica in 1995 and Croats doing Jasenovac from 1941 to 1945.

I sure am aware of what Pavelić did, in fact, you had to answer the phone with "za dom spremni", among other nonsense, and after 1991 they're doing it again, reforming the language to look as dissimilar to Serbian as possible. Now it's effing "podaTci", "zadaTci" while until 1991 it was podaci, zadaci.
And there are whole new imaginary words which only very proud Croatians use such as "ugroza" which are as cringe as hell. Now you can write "ne ću" if you're a very big Croat. If only a lesser Croat then you are fine with "neću". They also invented imaginary diphthongs just to make it as dissimilar to Serbian as possible. If you're into that, Mate Kapović wrote some books on the matter, like "Čiji je jezik" and "Jeziku je svejedno" wherein he defends the de Saussurean notion that language is arbitrary and exposes Croatian nationalistic policy of butchering language just to make it as dissimilar to Serbian. ... _jezik.pdf ... f_2019.pdf

These days you also have various "Kroatists" who claim to have sovereignty over what is and isn't allowed in a language, they're planning to make a law which would forbid the "wrong" usage of a language. Some even mentioned punishments in case you'd use dialects and wouldn't use the Herzegovinian accent on the first syllable.
And some Serbian ignoramuses claim it's all Serbian. Nope, it's not.

But in Yugoslavia they were butchering it too, trying to make it as close to Serbian as possible.
Dunno if you know but Kopitar and brothers Grimm in the 19th century were the first to force the "Serbo-Croatian" idea on everyone's throat. Austro-Hungarian empire of course liked that as hell because it made it easier for them to downplay Croatian independence from Hungary and Austria. However, until the 19th century, no Serb or Croat even bothered to check on their eastern or western brethren.


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20 May 2024, 12:29 am

Bestiola wrote:
Yes and no. The more you go towards the Serbian region the more you can feel the effects of the Balkan sprachbund. Croatian (with Slovenian, Hungarian etc) belongs to the central European sprachbund, as they were embers of the Austro-Hungarian empire.

Which goes on to prove my point. If Africans, Hispanics, and Europeans in America have their different sprachbunds, then why isn't the United States dissolved in order to make them "live better on their own"? Ancestry is important but if one is gonna brag about how they're proud Illyrian descendant while the other brags about their Dacian ancestry then that's unnecessary social stigma classified by separating people over whose ancestries they belong to.

Why do they have to be bothered if someone is so different? Is someone being Catholic or Muslim that offensive to an Orthodox that he would go on to devise an evil plan to genocide these people? These are the two questions about the Balkans that still remain yet to be answered but can be simply explained as people believing in stupid things imposed by alcoholics of the 19th century such as Ilija Garašnanin for Serbs and Ante Starčević for Croats.

"In a socialist society such phenomena must and will disappear. In the old Yugoslavia national oppression by the great-Serb capitalist clique meant strengthening the economic exploitation of the oppressed peoples. This is the inevitable fate of all who suffer from national oppression."

- Josip Broz Tito (Ljubljana, 1948)

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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20 May 2024, 5:23 am

Yugoslav1945 wrote:
Bestiola wrote:
Yes and no. The more you go towards the Serbian region the more you can feel the effects of the Balkan sprachbund. Croatian (with Slovenian, Hungarian etc) belongs to the central European sprachbund, as they were embers of the Austro-Hungarian empire.

Which goes on to prove my point. If Africans, Hispanics, and Europeans in America have their different sprachbunds, then why isn't the United States dissolved in order to make them "live better on their own"? Ancestry is important but if one is gonna brag about how they're proud Illyrian descendant while the other brags about their Dacian ancestry then that's unnecessary social stigma classified by separating people over whose ancestries they belong to.

Why do they have to be bothered if someone is so different? Is someone being Catholic or Muslim that offensive to an Orthodox that he would go on to devise an evil plan to genocide these people? These are the two questions about the Balkans that still remain yet to be answered but can be simply explained as people believing in stupid things imposed by alcoholics of the 19th century such as Ilija Garašnanin for Serbs and Ante Starčević for Croats.

The Balkans are just different. People can't even agree on what's burek, who was the first who invented ajvar and whose is the best.

Sorry to disappoint, but yes, Načertanije and everything that followed, especially Jasenovac and Srebrenica, hit the last nail in Yugoslavia's coffin.


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20 May 2024, 9:17 am

Bestiola wrote:
The Balkans are just different. People can't even agree on what's burek, who was the first who invented ajvar and whose is the best.

Sorry to disappoint, but yes, Načertanije and everything that followed, especially Jasenovac and Srebrenica, hit the last nail in Yugoslavia's coffin.

Should such inhumane and unruly behavior of these narrow-minded fools be even tolerated any longer? Now's not the time to give up hope! All we have to do is spread our dissent against nationalism, bring others, mobilize the masses, overthrow nationalism, and purge all those who have wronged us. Then, we do what we want to do. Improve the economy, improve the welfare, finish those goddamn highways at once, improve the healthcare, improve the education, and so on.

Bosnia is where things should at best start to change for the better. By not allowing ourselves to be cowardly and quiet, a revolution of merely 100,000 men can at most change the country by force. All it needs is the will of the people to do that. Courage and self-determination are what they lack. We must remind them of what Yugoslavia was in the past and what it must be in the present should it ever be brought back.

"In a socialist society such phenomena must and will disappear. In the old Yugoslavia national oppression by the great-Serb capitalist clique meant strengthening the economic exploitation of the oppressed peoples. This is the inevitable fate of all who suffer from national oppression."

- Josip Broz Tito (Ljubljana, 1948)


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20 May 2024, 11:43 am

Yugoslav1945 wrote:
And here we come to the root cause. The American-dominated bias of the website. Surely, Wrong Planet is an inclusive website to autistics like me but seeing your words and seeing the behavior of the people and their political views, I can tell that this is not a very diverse website to find an autistic person which explains why it is rather hard for me to find a like-minded person because there is a lack of diversity which I find very ironic in a website that supports diversity and yet is rather homogenous as you imply.
There is nothing about the WP membership, autistic or not, which will guarantee agreement or interest in any given topic.
Highly specialized and focussed interests will be even more unlikely to attract engagement.

I must say that the lack of diversity of the userbase in this website is what makes it quite a hard time for me to find people and to express my own interests and my own culture which I come from.
But diversity has nothing to do with it. Lack of general interest in a given topic certainly does.

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20 May 2024, 12:09 pm

Cornflake wrote:
Highly specialized and focused interests will be even more unlikely to attract engagement.

If there is a lack of interests outside of US-related stuff, then I shall find a more suitable place that will accept such interests. I am hereby deducting at least three points for the forum's inability to deal with topics outside of the US that is if the general interest is heavily based on US-related stuff. And language has nothing to do with it btw!

"In a socialist society such phenomena must and will disappear. In the old Yugoslavia national oppression by the great-Serb capitalist clique meant strengthening the economic exploitation of the oppressed peoples. This is the inevitable fate of all who suffer from national oppression."

- Josip Broz Tito (Ljubljana, 1948)

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20 May 2024, 1:15 pm

Yugoslav1945 wrote:
If there is a lack of interests outside of US-related stuff, then I shall find a more suitable place that will accept such interests. I am hereby deducting at least three points for the forum's inability to deal with topics outside of the US that is if the general interest is heavily based on US-related stuff. And language has nothing to do with it btw!

For the record, I, for one, am interested in hearing about countries outside the English-speaking world, and I am interested in hearing from autistic people outside the English-speaking world. Although I don't agree with everything you say, I hope you'll continue to post here.

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20 May 2024, 1:45 pm

Yugoslav1945 wrote:
Cornflake wrote:
Highly specialized and focused interests will be even more unlikely to attract engagement.

If there is a lack of interests outside of US-related stuff, then I shall find a more suitable place that will accept such interests. I am hereby deducting at least three points for the forum's inability to deal with topics outside of the US that is if the general interest is heavily based on US-related stuff. And language has nothing to do with it btw!

Let me ask you something.

What do you think of the latest election in Swaziland?

Which party's candidate do you favor?

And which party do you think would deliver more healthcare for Swazi autistic folks?

And...are you even able to point to Swaziland on a map? :lol:


You can talk about your country all that you want, but you have to be aware of your audience. A global audience is going to be more aware of stuff in big countries like the US and China, and in hot spots like Gaza than of stuff in the modest sized no longer existing Yugoslavia. So you have to explain things to your audience. Like explain what cities you are comparing Sarajevo to. For example. Instead of just talking as if we all knew wtf you're talking about.

You wouldnt like it if I were a Swazilander and just arrogantly spoke about Swaziland like its the center of the Universe.


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20 May 2024, 4:26 pm

Yugoslav1945 wrote:
Cornflake wrote:
Highly specialized and focused interests will be even more unlikely to attract engagement.
If there is a lack of interests outside of US-related stuff, then I shall find a more suitable place that will accept such interests.
"accept such interests"?
But your interests have been accepted, and you've made several posts or threads about Yugoslavian politics. You're also free to carry on posting similar material as with anyone here posting about a special interest.

The problem is that they're not generally interesting to enough members to meet your expectations of responses - so please don't make other people somehow responsible or wrong for not responding in the manner you expect.
Perhaps you should instead examine what's being presented?

Short of heading out to the streets and press-ganging people (who have been previously vetted to ensure an interest in Yugoslavian and related politics) into WP membership - what on earth do you expect us to do about it?
Not showing enough interest in (X) to satisfy the poster of (X) is neither a failure of acceptance nor a rule break.
It's just human nature.

I am hereby deducting at least three points for the forum's inability to deal with topics outside of the US that is if the general interest is heavily based on US-related stuff. And language has nothing to do with it btw!
8O Inability? I don't think you realise quite how arrogant that sounds.

The site's members are interested in what the site's members are interested in, yet you seem to be demanding more interest is shown in your interests?
Well, good luck with somehow making more people show interest.

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20 May 2024, 4:29 pm

Yugoslav1945 wrote:
Cornflake wrote:
Highly specialized and focused interests will be even more unlikely to attract engagement.

If there is a lack of interests outside of US-related stuff, then I shall find a more suitable place that will accept such interests. I am hereby deducting at least three points for the forum's inability to deal with topics outside of the US that is if the general interest is heavily based on US-related stuff. And language has nothing to do with it btw!

Your interests are accepted, no one's rejected you because Yugoslavia is your special interest.

It's not a shared interest, we all have to deal with that sometimes. Would you believe no one else seems to be interested in NASCAR? How many points should I deduct? Probably 3, in honour of Dale. :nerdy:

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21 May 2024, 2:02 am

naturalplastic wrote:
Let me ask you something.

What do you think of the latest election in Swaziland?

Which party's candidate do you favor?

And which party do you think would deliver more healthcare for Swazi autistic folks?

And...are you even able to point to Swaziland on a map? :lol:


You can talk about your country all that you want, but you have to be aware of your audience. A global audience is going to be more aware of stuff in big countries like the US and China, and in hot spots like Gaza than of stuff in the modest sized no longer existing Yugoslavia. So you have to explain things to your audience. Like explain what cities you are comparing Sarajevo to. For example. Instead of just talking as if we all knew wtf you're talking about.

You wouldnt like it if I were a Swazilander and just arrogantly spoke about Swaziland like its the center of the Universe.

I do not mean to portray Yugoslavia as the center of all the things worldwide. Just wanted to see what others think about it. As for Swaziland, that is merely an absolute monarchy and the elections pretty much don't go in the favor of the public but the monarch himself. Not much can be said for Swaziland given that the content for Swaziland is not as big as Yugoslavia since both do not have the same history.

It all depends on the history. If one has a significant history, then I'm sure that some other fellow foreigner may want to start a topic of their country-related stuff. Not all can have such significance. As for Swaziland, it is merely an absolute monarchy, therefore the elections have no value.

Swaziland has a very low life expectancy. The 12th lowest precisely. The longest you can live in Swaziland is 58 years, way below the human average of today. A 2019 study ranks Swaziland with the highest rate of HIV presence. As for autistic people in Swaziland, it is uncertain. As the country's motto says "We are a mystery". Not much is known for the autistic people in Swaziland.

However, this is a thread about Sarajevo. If you wish to make something about Swaziland, go ahead and make a thread about Swaziland. No one will stop you. Just give some context to it to the audience just like you advised me to do the same for Sarajevo.

"In a socialist society such phenomena must and will disappear. In the old Yugoslavia national oppression by the great-Serb capitalist clique meant strengthening the economic exploitation of the oppressed peoples. This is the inevitable fate of all who suffer from national oppression."

- Josip Broz Tito (Ljubljana, 1948)


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21 May 2024, 2:04 am

funeralxempire wrote:
Your interests are accepted, no one's rejected you because Yugoslavia is your special interest.

It's not a shared interest, we all have to deal with that sometimes. Would you believe no one else seems to be interested in NASCAR? How many points should I deduct? Probably 3, in honour of Dale. :nerdy:

I see. I was tired and felt out of the mood by the time I was ranting on the inability to form a concise view on Yugoslavia and Sarajevo. After reading your post and naturalplastic's posts, I decided to continue onward with the Sarajevo thing like normal and not worry about the lack of interest.

"In a socialist society such phenomena must and will disappear. In the old Yugoslavia national oppression by the great-Serb capitalist clique meant strengthening the economic exploitation of the oppressed peoples. This is the inevitable fate of all who suffer from national oppression."

- Josip Broz Tito (Ljubljana, 1948)