SBSK (Special Books by Special Kids) Rant/Vent/Concerns etc.

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17 Nov 2022, 7:26 am

Thanks for posting about the Special Books By Special Kids YouTube channel. I just found the channel, and came to Wrong Planet to post about it. I found your (@Offset) post and thought perfect. Thank you.

The videos I've watched are respectful, and inclusive. The world is not a Hallmark channel Christmas movie.

Special Books By Special Kids

I suggest reading the About tab to learn more about the channel. There is also a webpage for Special Books by Special Kids -

Why do I have an interest? My sister grew up in a home that cared for special kids. There were many infants and children there that had special needs with birth defects that preventing parents from caring for them. This was the 1960s. My little sister lived and grew up there. She passed away when she was 15.

I have not watched all of the videos.


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17 Nov 2022, 8:56 am

aquafelix wrote:
I've seen many of the SBSK utube videos. I thought they were good generally. He's not the best interviewer, but I think he treats the people he interviews with respect. He just has some assumptions that are a bit irritating. Generally, he listens to the people he interviews and seems interested in what they have to communicate and their experience rather than only pushing his own views.

I've noticed that too. He askes a question, and lets them talk. He doesn't get impatient. He doesn't disparage them. I don't detect condensention. I cannot criticize his questions because I could not do any better. If I could, then I would have more real life people friends.
I just watched a recording of Paul, who contracted Polio when he was six in 1952, and has spent the bulk of his life in an iron lung. He is an interesting person with an interesting story.


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17 Nov 2022, 12:57 pm

Offset wrote:
This one is really sad. (Again, I won't be posting hotlinks to videos, out of respect of the people interviewed. But you can find it on the SBSK page. Her story was just uploaded) I feel although no I'm not a Black woman, I felt really connected to her story. I am a flamboyant/weird, autistic, mentally and physically disabled Gay black man. I feel really close to just writing Chris and telling him my story, and maybe kinda being slightly pessimistic on the SBSK community.

But this young Black homeless woman. Abandoned by her mother and family, was born with a rare skin condition, which causes her to have sores on her skin, and also (through fault not of her own) she has a "fried chicken/chocolate" odor to her, (which I don't doubt her skin disorder, maybe causes her to have an unwanted smell sadly. I feel for her. But also, from what I gathered, a lot of racist/bigoted/jackass people tell Black/people of color, they smell, when they don't, and it's our hair products, or cocoa butter/vaseline, we use on dark/melanin skin, that has a smell perhaps too, so I wonder if most of her being told that, is actually bullying etc. Either way, it's not her fault, so yeah. etc.) which causes people not to be around her. It's really sad, and she has dreams of being a singer (and her voice is lovely. She performs an original song at the end of the interview. She has a R&B/jazz voice etc.)

This is just really sad, and Chris, is not being helpful, or empathetic at all, and he is kinda mocking her. She talks about racism, and stigma, within mental health/physical health/disabilities, in the Black community, and Chris doesn't seem to understand her points.

She is currently on disability pay (which I had to apply for, and waiting for my SSI to be approved soon, for similar reasons for my physical/mental disabilities), but I hope her situation improves. I hope she's able to find housing. She can go for her dreams. I really hope she gets a record deal/gets her music out, because she has a nice India Arie, Erykah Badu voice, and her song writing is very catchy and lovely. I also hope she finds a partner too, because she talked about how dating sucks. I can relate, as a single Gay black man. Very unfortunate, and sad story. Shame on Chris for the way he was acting around her. Smh. Lovely girl, hope the best for her.


I've been binge watching the channel this morning, in reverse order, newest to oldest. I just watched this.
She's a lovely person, and I wish I knew what her smell was like. I understand why she smells and I feel bad for her and the way she has been treated in life.

I don't have a problem with Chris. He teaches kids with disabilities, which is how the channel was created. Some of them are featured the channel. I know what you mean, at least about his tone. I think he maintains the tone that he does as a sort of barrier. He is not Diane Sawyer emoting how sorry he feels for her circumstances in life. I think he does the best he can and I believe he is genuine in his effort trying "to normalize the diversity of the human condition under the pillars of honesty, respect, mindfulness, positivity and collaboration." That is just my point of view.

I agree about her music. Listening to the song she sang and wrote, I kept thinking how nice it would be if she could write and record for living, hopefully providing more than $800 a month that she receives now.

So far I've found all the people interesting.

Again, @Offset thanks for creating the original post because would have had to and I only submit maybe 10% of what I type. Usually I don't follow through and this would likely be one of them.

I don't recall if adding the "@" sign before the name actually does anything. For some reason, I think it notifies the person if they have been mentioned. Probably wrong about that.

Emu Egg
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13 Jun 2023, 8:44 pm

Hate this guy. He doesn’t feel genuine. It’s weird how he sits so uncomfortably close to the ppl he interviews. Really get a bad vibe

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30 Mar 2024, 12:37 pm

I just made an account solely to reply to this thread. I was googling around to see if anyone else had an opinion about this show that wasn't just "ah I relate so much how wonderful it is somebody is shedding light on this disability internet is a great place blablabla". I watched a SBSK video today cause it turned up in suggestions on my feed, and I just had the worst feeling in my gut from watching it, which I ALWAYS get from these videos. I could make a long list of all the times this has happened and why. But mainly the feeling, like you said, about the interviewer being "disconnected" somehow. He seems almost delusional in his own imaginary headspace, with his baby voice and weird manners and he doesn't really seem to care at all about these people. And his "subjects" always seem anxious when interviewed. I can't help but think that there is no way ALL of them would feel like that if it had nothing to do with him personally. I wanna take your conspiracies and raise them here, cause, sometimes I feel like he is actually portraying some abusive dynamics/relationships on screen that he is not aware of. Like I dunno how many times I just get the feeling the people he is interviewing has for example been wrongly diagnosed, maybe someone say they have autism but they are actually deeply traumatized, maybe someone else say they have autism but they actually have narcissistic personality disorder. I do get suspicious in general, when someone is claiming they have a diagnosis as an "explanation" for why people have treated them so badly. Hmmmmm.... Maybe you are the way you are BECAUSE people have treated you badly?
In my personal experience and to my general knowledge, for example, people who claim they have maybe BPD or narcissism or even sociopathy are often people who have been severely abused (sure BPD would prob not exist as a diagnosis if abuse didn't exist, both on a interpersonal and societal level). But sometimes the "normal" ones are just better at hiding whatever they are up to behind the scenes. And the victims take on so many diagnosis to make it easier for everyone. If we just label them then we don't need to look at the intricate details of every situation and take responsibility for people's wellbeing or safety. Ok this is a conspiracy about society and diagnosis in general, but it pairs nicely with this show. It is on youtube, it's in the USA. Youtube is just the wild west for people who are looking for attention and money. And maybe most people on earth are, cause we are all traumatized in some way. Humans have forgotten to be present, caring and loving towards one another, so we believe love=attention and safety=money. Maybe I don't even belong on this forum, despite my autism diagnosis cause I don't freakin believe in diagnosing people. The history behind mental illness is a history about human control and using human beings as guinea pigs for science projects. Diagnosis in itself IS devaluing and I don't really get this trend of self-empowerment by claiming to have a disability. We should accept and care for all humans of our society, and see that everyones needs are met, ideally, but people don't have energy or time to see each other as they are, respectfully, individually. I might be ranting away here but Please I need someone to rant about this things thoroughly with!!


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21 Apr 2024, 9:53 am

Inspiration porn in a nutshell

Spell meerkat with a C, and I will bite you.